Friday, December 24, 2010

organic virgin coconut oil

UPDATE - july 22, 2011
according to ,
for sunscreen reapply generously, repeatedly, it won't hurt.
it works best if you build it up, seasoning your skin, gradually increasing the amount of time you're in the sun.
it's not a total sunblock, it blocks 20% of UV rays, which is good because the sun + the oil give you vitamin D, which further nourishes your skin and body.
ingesting some helps too.
it's also a miracle oil, with various health benefits, including but not limited to anti bacterial, fungal, and viral properties, ingested and topically applied, including STDs, parasites, and other infections.
check the link for full research and info.

UPDATE - may 27, 2011
dr. bronner's now offers a fair trade organic virgin coconut oil.

for summer sunscreen, and winter moisturizer lotion,
the natural frugal decision is organic virgin coconut oil.

artisana is my preferred brand, since the jar lid is bpa free.
if not artisana, make sure it's labeled as virgin and/or unrefined,
otherwise it won't have the same health benefits.
it's readily available in grocery stores everywhere,
it's cheaper than any all natural lotions that aren't as natural.
it's around $16 for around 16oz
it comes in a glass container and metal lid,
no plastic packaging is a bonus.

for the summer:
i tried to find an all natural chemical free sunscreen, to not get burned.
nearly every natural sunscreen had some chemical concoctions,
a lot of which are carcinogenic, and worse than the sun.
zinc oxide or another mineral powder might work,
but it's harder to find and probably pricey.

i googled and found virgin coconut oil activates melanin,
achieving a darker tan in a shorter time,
but also prevents sunburns by
  • providing fatty acids that nourish skin,
    which are also anti microbial and anti fungal,
    preventing and fighting infections
  • providing saturated fats that form a protective layer from UV radiation,
    as well as help retains skin moisture,
  • aids the formation of vitamin D.
it also has a long shelf life.

i also read it's best for preventing sun burns when applying in advance,
so that the oil soaks into your skin for a matte finish,
if it's still a glossy glisten, it hasn't been absorbed by your skin yet and won't be as effective.

for the winter:
every all natural lotion also has various chemicals.
dr. bronner's organic lotion was the best i could find in a pump bottle.
it's ingredients are all organic natural oils,
but then it has an organic alcohol as a preservative.
alcohol is a drying agent.

the lotion is ok, but it's $10 for an 8oz bottle,
i've only ever seen it at one store,
and it doesn't last nearly as long.

the virgin coconut oil is keeping my hands and lips from cracking in the freezing winter.

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