Thursday, May 6, 2010


this is what i know about fluorides:

fluorides were also used by the nazis to keep their prisoners docile.

now it's unnecessarily added to tap water, because it prevents tooth decay.
but so does regular brushing.
ovreall dental hygiene awareness and practices have improved over the years.
some countries have stopped fluoridating their water, and have shown no decrease in dental health.

it's a mass medication with questionable adverse affects.
a lot of bottled water companies also add it, or they just use tap that has it.

boiling water doesn't get it out,
you have to use some sort of reverse osmosis filter, or distillation.
those filters aren't that cheap, but possibly not too expensive in the long run.
i still drink tap water daily, but i opt for toothpaste without it.

some of what i know about water fluoridation is from wikipedia.

quotes from wiki, which have other sources noted:
"Continental Europe does not practice water fluoridation"
"Tooth decay has dropped at the same rate in countries with, and without, water fluoridation"
"Fluoridation can be viewed as a violation of ethical or legal rules that prohibit medical treatment without medical supervision or informed consent, and that prohibit administration of unlicensed medical substances."

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